LIFE Climate Forest in a nutshell
The LIFE Climate Forest is set up as follows:
Project essence: Increasing the resilience of forest ecosystems through climate-smart management
Duration: September 2020 – August 2027
Partners: Staatsbosbeheer and de Bosgroepen
Budget: € 5,256,662, of which € 2,891,164 is granted by LIFE
Project objectives
The project shows what is needed to effectively implement climate-smart forest management; a small-scale and tree-oriented management type. Sharing knowledge is very important, thus LIFE Climate Forest aims to stimulate the development of climate-smart forest and to involve and inspire the forest management community by showing that it can be done and how to do it. We are looking at how a protective forest climate (continuous cover forestry) can help to increase resilience and what this requires in terms of management measures.
LIFE Climate Forest in a nutshell
The LIFE Climate Forest is set up as follows:
Project essence: Increasing the resilience of forest ecosystems through climate-smart management
Duration: September 2020 – August 2027
Partners: Staatsbosbeheer and de Bosgroepen
Budget: € 5,256,662, of which € 2,891,164 is granted by LIFE
Project objectives
The project shows what is needed to effectively implement climate-smart forest management; a small-scale and tree-oriented management type. Sharing knowledge is very important, thus LIFE Climate Forest aims to stimulate the development of climate-smart forest and to involve and inspire the forest management community by showing that it can be done and how to do it. We are looking at how a protective forest climate (continuous cover forestry) can help to increase resilience and what this requires in terms of management measures.
We are testing which species, provenances and planting methods are most suitable and how we can contribute to successful rejuvenation with protection against damage caused by wild animals. All these choices are carefully monitored.
In addition, attention is paid to refining the method such that it is a financially and ecologically sound tree-based approach and a sustainable management model, which maximises the chances of a successful implementation of this management type.
To inform and share knowledge
In addition to this project website, the project team is using various means to share information and knowledge:
- Social media channels LinkedIn and Twitter
- Short movie
- Conferences in 2024 and 2027
- Trainings
- Presentations and excursions
- Information boards and information panels
- Articles/publications
- Internal communication moments
- Layman’s report (2027)