The short movie shows the essence of LIFE Climate Forest in just a few minutes
Regardless of one’s forestry ambitions, wishes, or dreams; there is usually a common denominator when it comes to our forests. That they are strong, healthy, and resilient and should be preserved for the future. But many of our forests have not reached that point yet and are struggling. Why is that? What can we do about it? How can climate smart forest management contribute to more resilient, strong, and healthy forests? What do you need to do to help? These questions form the essence of LIFE Climate Forest.
By sharing knowledge during training courses, excursions, events, and experiments in the field, we give substance to our project and its ambitions. In this way we make the challenges, dilemmas, opportunities, and management possibilities clear.
And because images often say more than words alone, we have made a short movie in which we visualise the ambitions and vision of the project at a glance. So, are you curious about the project and this management method? You can take a look at the essence of LIFE Climate Forest in just a few minutes! Click here for the English version.